Kabir Chugh's Website

What's it like to be High

Bro, alright, so like, imagine this, right? You're just chilling, like, totally normal vibes, maybe on a rooftop or some shit, and someone hands you that joint, and you're all like, "Nah, man, I’m good." But then your homie’s like, “Bro, just one hit, dude, trust me, it’s chill.” So you take it, right? And you’re like, cough cough, totally dying a bit, but you’re trying to keep it together.

Then bam, you’re talking with everyone, everything’s cool, nothing crazy. And suddenly, some dude says, “Yo, did that fly just split into like... three?” And you’re sitting there, like, wait, what? And then you see it too, man. The fly didn’t just split, the whole room is, like, breathing. Breathing, bro! Like, the world has got lungs, dude, everything is alive!

And then, outta nowhere, your brain is like, “Dude... everything is atoms, man. Quarks, bro! What even is a quark?!” You’re just spiraling now, thinking, "Yo, am I the fly? Is the fly me?" Total galaxy brain stuff, man.

So, then it gets real, bro. You decide to walk, right? But like, the stairs? Bro, these stairs, they’re like a mountain, man. You’re walking forever. FOREVER. And suddenly, you see a cat. But is it a cat? Nah, man, it’s a bag. But like... what if it was a cat? Could it still be a cat? What is a cat, dude?!

Then your homie is like, “Man, it's kinda hot.” And, bro, just like that, it’s like the surface of the sun, man. You’re sweating, heart's racing, and you're like, this is it. I’m dying. You can hear your heartbeat, like it's the only thing left holding you to this planet. You’re like, “Welp, this is how it ends, man. Death by sweating on weed.”

Then bro’s like, “Dude... I’m so high.” And you’re like, Oh yeah! That's what’s happening! You’re not dying, you’re just super stoned, bro! But time, man, time’s a joke. You feel like you’ve been walking for days, right? You check the clock, and it’s been 15 minutes. Fifteen minutes, bro?! What the actual fuuuu...

And then, bro... it comes in waves. You’re chill for like a second, and then bam, you’re thinking again. You’re like, “Yo, I need to pee.” You get to the bathroom, do your thing, no biggie, and then... you look in the mirror. WHO. IS. THAT. GUY?! Is that you? Have you always looked like that? And then it hits you. Life hits you, bro. You’re standing there, looking at yourself, and suddenly every decision you’ve ever made is on the table. Like, “Why am I here, bro? Why did I eat cereal for dinner last night? What even is cereal?”

And then Thambi knocks on the door like, “Dude, you’ve been in there forever. You totally missed this thing with the...” And you’re like, “The what, bro?!” Now you're bummed because apparently something mind-blowing happened, and you missed it because you were having an existential crisis with your reflection.

You get back with the crew, and who shows up? Sunny, bro, with that girl with the laugh. You know. her laugh is like ice down your back, man. You start thinking, “Why am I even here? Do these people even like me? Am I funny? What if I were funny?”

Then, bro, suddenly, you seem to be getting back man. you shake your head, and you’re back, almost. Toes in the sand, bro. You’re back on planet Earth.

So finally, it’s all chill yo, you go back - the road is like this magical carpet, and the streetlamps are stillbreathing, man, like... they know.And when the vibes finally die down, you realize you’re in your home, . Just... stuffing the chocos straight from the, bro at like 1:30 in the morning.

What next? I dunno, bro. Who even knows anymore?

#funny #short-essay